Meta Audience Network Account Setup

The purpose of this documentation is to guide publishers who want to use the Nimbus Mediation SDK to request and load ads from Meta Audience Network via Nimbus Mediation.

Creating a Meta Account

Follow these steps for creating a Meta account

For new users

  1. Go to Meta Audience Network and register with your Meta account.

  2. Follow the instructions and set your application name.

  3. Click Register.

For already registered users

  1. Sign in to your Meta account

  2. Click Sign up in the top right corner and select your app

Creating a Business

You can manage your business on Meta including Meta Advertising and Meta Audience Network monetization. Meta's Business Manager is a more secure way to manage your Pages and ad accounts. You can see who’s working on what and what they access to see and work on.

  1. Click Create Business.

  2. Enter your details and click Next.

  3. Enter your business deals and click Submit

Creating a Property

Meta's Monetization Manager is a platform to help you grow your business with Meta Audience Network. It helps you manage your placements, understand your performance, and maximize your revenue.

  1. Go to Monetization Manager, here.

  2. Login with your Business Manager credentials.

  3. Click the business you just created or create a new business, as described above.

  4. Scroll down and click +Create Property on the Monetization Manager home screen.

  5. Enter the name of the new property

  6. Click Create Property to continue.

Selecting Your Platform and Display Format

Platforms are the different products you can monetize with Meta Audience Network. Once you have created your property, your next step is to add the platform you want to monetize.

  1. Click on +Add on the platform you want to work with

  2. Complete the details

  3. Click Submit.

Creating an Ad Space

An Ad Space helps you organize ad placements to reflect what a person is doing when they see an ad in your app. To create an ad placement, you’ll need to create an Ad Space first. You can create up to 4 Ad Spaces per platform.

  1. On the Monetization Manager left toolbar, go to Integration >> Properties >> Select a property

  2. Click +Create Ad Space

  3. Upload a file and description of when your ad is to be triggered

  4. Click Create Ad Space

  5. Now that you have created your Ad Space, you can create ad placements by clicking on the edit icon and create placements.

    1. Click on the menu bar on the window and select Create Placement

Creating an Ad Placement

Meta Audience Network offers different types of ad units. Each ad unit in your app is identified using a unique placement ID.

  1. Click on Create Placement and select a placement

  2. Enter a Placement Name

  3. Insert placement name options:

    1. Android

      • Nimbus_[appname]_android_static_[display format]

    2. iOS

      • Nimbus_[appname]_ios_static_[display format]

  4. Click Export Placement ID. Save doc for each platform and share with the Nimbus team for connection.

  5. Click Create Placement

Adding Placements to your App

  1. Once you have clicked on Create Placement, the details of your placement are shown:

  2. Click Get Code or Copy ID

Obtaining Parameters

To enable Meta's SDK within Nimbus, you must obtain three parameters from your Meta and later provide them to Nimbus.

Below are the details of what parameters are required, and how and where to obtain them.

App ID

The unique identifier of your app in Meta Audience Network’s system

System User Access Token

This is the most commonly used type of token. This kind of access token is required any time the app calls an API to read, modify, or write a specific person’s Meta data on their behalf.

Placement ID

The unique identifier of a specific placement in your app in Meta Audience Network’s system

Obtaining the App ID

To retrieve your App ID, follow these steps:

  1. In the dashboard of your Meta for Developers Account - click Dashboard.

  2. Your App ID is displayed in the top section.

Obtaining the System User Access Token

To retrieve your System User Access Token, follow Meta’s Guide.

Obtaining the Placement ID

To retrieve your Placement ID:

  1. Click Audience Network on the left sidebar in the dashboard

  2. Click through to Monetization Manager via the link

  3. Under your applications, you will find a list of your placements, click the one you want to retrieve its Placement ID

Next Steps

Once completed all steps above you are ready to integrate the Nimbus Meta Audience Network Extension into your application. For more details about it open the links above according to the platform that you want to integrate:

Last updated