Dynamic Price

In this article, you will learn more about how Nimbus uses Dynamic Price to maximize your app's monetization.

The Dynamic Price Integration allows publishers to integrate their Nimbus auctions into their Google Ad Manager (GAM) setup. The Nimbus win response is appended to a GAM ad request, enabling Nimbus to compete within the GAM auction. GAM will then determine the winner and render the creative.

This requires publishers to work with the Nimbus team to determine their breakdown of price granularities (also known as line items). These will be used in both the Nimbus SDK setup as well as in the GAM dashboard. These must always match in order for Dynamic Price to function properly.

  1. Nimbus SDK mades an ad request to Nimbus to conduct a standard auction

  2. Nimbus SDK makes a call to the GAM SDK, in which a second auction is conducted between other third-party adapters

  3. The GAM SDK determines a winner among both auctions and the winning ad is rendered

For the steps necessary to integrate GAM Dynamic Price, proceed to the GAM Setup page

pageAd Manager Setup

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